Thursday, April 28, 2005

Real Christianity

I ran into Joseph the other day. Never met the guy in my life before, now I run into him twice in a week.

I met him for the first time at the meeting last week to join in prison ministry. Always wanted to do this, since the only difference in myself and lots of people in there (particuarly women) is the fact that I didn't get caught doing some of the same stuff they're sitting in jail for. But, I have to tell you that's not the only reason I was glad to be at this meeting the other day. Still gives me goose bumps...the simple, yet seriously profound message all wrapped up in Joseph, as he spoke to us about the impact of Jesus Christ on his life.

Incarcerated for 15 of his 40 years for mostly theft and drugs, this guy shared how he'd used, and abused people and things to get whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted...did anything to get his own way. BUT...when Joseph got to the part about finding out what Jesus Christ had done for him even in the midst of his selfishness, how He'd forgiven him and given him hope...this great big teddy bear of a guy cried like a baby. He became so overwhelmed, he had to stop. To hear his past and see the genuine tenderness and vulnerability in this man's face moved my heart, I have to admit, a lot more than many of the church services I've been in. (I didn't say all...I said "many")

However, Joseph wasn't there to share his story just to tell us about what God had done in his life. He was there with a sobering urgency, encouraging this almost imploring
"please, please, don't give up," he begged still in tears, "I know it's a beautiful day and you all could be home with your families...I knew that even when I was in jail." he spoke directly to some who'd met Joseph in prison. "Come on people," he continued seriously, but tenderly. "Jesus is real! What you're doing matters...But, please don't stop taking this hope, this light...into such a dark place. Please." He ended softly.

Wow! His apparent love for his fellow offenders was so very genuine, I could hardly contain the tears while telling him how he blessed me with his story. Surprised him I know with the fact that I could relate, cause I know I maybe look like your average, middle age, PTA lady, so it's probably hard to imagine some of the stuff lurking in my past. But that's just was my 'past' and there couldn't be a more compelling message about the transforming power of the gospel from the most intelligent of the intelligent theologins. (sp?) Just reminds me of that verse in 1Corinthians 1; "Think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things - and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are - so that no one can boast..."

Heck, I think we're all going to be surprised when it's all over.

I hope I run into Joseph again sometime.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

New York, New York

For Frank's birthday, (April 16th) I kind of surprised him. (Actually, although I WANTED to steal him away at the last minute, but, Frank is so hard to pin down...our history together compelled me to forget that idea) Still...he went along when I revealed the plan and last weekend, we went up to New Jersey with plans to take the Ferry in Hoboken to New York for one of the two days. We never did get on the ferry, but made it to Hoboken on the way home. What a cute, quaint little town! Anyway, the whole object of the trip was to see a sax player who Frank admires. Bob Ackerman and his wife, Pam Purvis, who sings and plays keyboard were appearing at the Savoy Grille in Newark, NJ. Bob is a monster on the sax and also plays flute. They were adorable together! Pam told me they've been together for 30 years. They were awesome!!! The food there was excellent also, if you ever get a chance to go. I'd made reservations in Jersey City and took great pains to get all the various directions to the restaurant and ferry, etc. But...true to the style of my husband, he made me cancel and wanted to see the place first. I have to admit, I was kind of disappointed, because haven't you ever been in that situation, where you're wasting a lot of time looking for a hotel, getting agrivated and wind up either paying too much money or hated the place? None of that happened this time, and we stayed near the Meadowlands Stadium at the Sheraton. From our room on the 17th floor, we could see the sun rise ocross the Hudson River across the New York skyline. It was incredible. Like I said, we skipped the ferry and took a bus into New York the next day. I didn't realize how close we were. I thought, since I was the expert because I've been there five times, I have to confess, it was just as confusing as ever. Look at all the maps you want, but, uptown, midtown, takes a lot to get used to. Another thing that takes getting used to was the walking. Here, we drive our car to the store....that we can see!!! We walked for miles while neither of us was used to it. I've never felt so decrepid. We started out enthusiastic and maybe a little cocky..."Pick us up at 10:45" we told the shuttle driver. That was the latest scheduled pickup, but you had to arrange it with the hotel. Are you kidding??? by 7:00 we looked at each other and had the same thought. Back to the hotel!!! We were done!!! We did, however, see a Broadway Show...a matinee. I'm glad because I wouldn't have wanted to pay 100 dollars a ticket when we could see "Little Women" for 50. That's right!!!! I said "Little Women" Frank had never heard of Little Women and we we'd been enjoying being off our feet for at least 10 minutes when he suddenly realized he was probably one of about 5 men peppered in an audience of 500. Haha! "Melanie" he asked sheepishly. Is this a chick play??? I have to admit it was...but it was good...after all, it was on Broadway and starred Maureen McGovern? Remember her??? "The Poisiedon Adventure" (There's got to be a morning after....) Except that Maureen was off for the matinee version. Oh well...we enjoyed it. I couldn't help feeling at one point during the day that we could probably play ourselves in an episode of some dorky tourists; I asked the person in the ticket booth what she would suggest, something more family friendly...I remembered the soup nazi episodes as she said "I don't know...I don't make the choices...I just sell the tickets. Pick something." If I hadn't tried to act decisive, when I'm really not...we may not have enjoyed "Jo, Beth, Amy, Marmee...and (I can't remember the other girls name) ...It was good..I think we both nodded off for a moment, but I think that's just because we were EXHAUSTED from walking!!!! We capped it off with dinner at Ollie's Chinese food, right there in Time's Square, where again I pushed another harried New Yorker to the brink by asking her what her favorites on the menu were. After an instant of shock, disgust...or maybe just another "oh no, another dork from out of town" look, it was hard to tell:):) She finally quipped "I don't know, everything's good...just pick something." It was great, though, it's part of the whole experience of being in New York. We loved it...especially when we made it back to the our feet.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Anyone Got an Extreme Makeover to Share?

When I was working in the salon, my very favorite thing was to do were makeovers! I love makeovers on anything! I could spend hours watching “Trading Spaces” and that Extreme House show..don't you love it? The before and after pictures of houses, rooms or people incredibly amazing. In the salon, Spring was a great makeover motivator! Coming out the grey-blah of winter, lots of my clients were game for a ‘new look’. How exciting to go for a new hair color, maybe brighten up with some highlights or a sassy new style. Even a new spring look of makeup colors can make you feel ‘perky’. However, there is one Extreme makeover that never goes out of style, never gets old and is never outdated. It’s the makeover of the heart! That happens only when Christ brings the change. Do you have a before and after story to your life? I’d love to hear any about the changes you’ve experienced through the love of Christ. You can read mine at

Welcome to My New Blog

Welcome to my own piece of cyberspace. Looking forward to making new friends and getting to know old ones better. I actually wanted to start blogging yesterday. I don't know if it was the weather or what, but I had a sinus headache! I forgot how consuming those things can be. There was a time when I barely knew what it was like NOT to have one. Even wound up in the emergency room a few times with pounding headaches that could last 3 days. So when my friend Linda told me about the whole Yeast/Candida thing, I was desperate enough to try it. I'd try anything!

After doing a little research myself, it seemed to make sense. The basic idea is this; if lots of antibiotics or in my case, two rounds of Interferon (injections 3 times a week of a chemical therapy for self-administered for Chronic Active Hepititus C) were part of your life for the purpose of 'killing' something in your body. (Bacteria, virus, etc.) then chances were it also killed the good bacteria your system needs to fend off an overgrowth of yeast or Candida. These things can cause a whole boatload of wacko things in your body, including Fibromyalgia (One of those vague and mysterious illnesses I've been diagnosed with, though I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I tend to believe it's simply a name that doctors use for any symptom they don't understand) and Sinus Headaches. Those Sinus Headaches were worth going out and gathering all the materials Phase I of this diet called for. And I did! I began drinking water...lots and lots of water. I went out and bought the Candi-Gone, and Rice cakes, strawberries, Flax seed oil, garlic, olive oil, brocolli, tomatoes and dropped all bread and sugar - Cold Turkey! This was a tough one for me, since I drank Pepsi's and about 6 cups of tea-syrup (two heaping teaspoons in one cup of Lipton Tea w/lemon) by noon on any given day. I immediately got deathly ill for about a week, but then, I not only started feeling much better, but I lost 20 lbs. And guess what? Wavering around 5 lbs or so, I've kept it off. Though I'm not as strict as the first phase of the diet, it's actually become a brand new way of eating and feels more like a habit than a diet. Oh, and my son has suffered all his life from ear and sinus infections. Since he was a baby, he's been on every antibiotic ever made. When he started the diet, he was going to an allergist for shots and taking prescriptions for allergies and his ears. He also started feeling better and actually stopped medication and the shots. He also lost about 20 lbs.

I just thought there might be some people reading this who may be suffering from Sinus infections, Ear infections or allergies who may benefit. Heres a few sites that may offer more help.,

Here are some recipes that were very good and easy to make. Snack food also seemed to do the trick; if I had stuff around that I could just grab and eat, I found it much easier to stick with it.