Thursday, June 14, 2007

Just Checking In

I just realized, it's been a whole year...exactly...since I last posted.

Life has changed so much in all this time, I hope to write about it later. Meanwhile, just want to stop and say hi.


Jojo said...
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Jojo said...

Melanie! Melanie! I can't believe you posted again! I have checked here so many times and sent you a couple emails but never heard back. So good to know things are going well. Hey, I can't get Franks' sermon dang it! Any chance you are coming to IN again this summer? It's time to get together again isn't it? Miss you!

Melanie said...


Hey, how are you?? Great to hear from you. I think of you all the time. Sorry if you emailed me...I'm wondering if they went to an old address or something. I don't remember getting anything.
I'm glad to hear from you though, cause I do always think of you.

Jojo, Frank's message was short, but he did such a good job. Sorry you had trouble playing it, but it will work, hopefully soon. I have it stored at, which is down right now for upgrading. So, it should be available shortly. I had no idea what he would talk about. He is growing (WE are growing :)so much in the Lord, that I love being part of it and hearing what he has to say. (God DOES do miracles!!:):)

Anyway, we've got the house torn apart right now...reorganizing, painting, taking things to the dump..etc. But, just checked and I was so glad to see your comment cause I missed you :)

As you see, when I changed "skins" I lost all my stuff and have to rebuild this thing again. Oh, well..little by little. The No Place Like Home theme was the cirriculum I wrote for the last few ladies retreats, which shared the "Good News" using images, sort of a modern-day parable, from the "Wizard of Oz" It was fun!

Anyway, I look forward to keeping in touch with you and again, so glad to hear from you.
